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The conditions weren’t the best, but the yacht RoMEA returned to the place of her birth 10 years after delivery. The weather was stormy on February 11 as the superyacht made her way along the river to Abeking & Rasmussen. Delivered by Abeking & Rasmussen in 2015, the superyacht is rich in details but not […]
The post Yacht RoMEA Returns to Germany: Sunday Superyacht Video appeared first on Megayacht News.
The islands of Fiji, Tahiti, and others in the South Pacific are growing in popularity, particularly among Americans. Yachting businesses throughout the region are understandably eager to show off what their waters have to offer. They further want to showcase the natural hospitality of the locals. This are the driving factors behind the second edition […]
The post The South Pacific Superyacht Rendezvous Invites You to Discover Fiji and More appeared first on Megayacht News.
The entry-level model in Baglietto’s DOM series borrows some big ideas from bigger yachts. With delivery of the first hull a few months away, we’re getting a look at the Baglietto DOM115 yacht interiors to see how the concept works. The first DOM115 yacht entered outfitting last fall. The DOM range—which includes the DOM133—comprises displacement […]
The post Baglietto DOM115 Yacht Interiors Open Up to Outside World appeared first on Megayacht News.
Knocked down, becalmed, grounded, and lost, Graham Cox’s attempt to sail from Australia to New Zealand in a 24-footer ends in near disaster
From childhood, Graham Cox had dreamed of the ocean. Growing up in Durban, he’d spent his time hanging out near …Continue reading »
The post Great Seamanship: Last Days of the Slocum Era appeared first on Yachting World.
Bold burnt orange, deep red wine, and extensive mirrored surfaces are just the beginnings of the design behind the yacht Raja². She celebrated her launch at The Italian Sea Group, the newest project in the Admiral Yachts S-Force line. The Italian Sea Group executives joined the owner for a private launch ceremony this week. The […]
The post Yacht Raja² Makes a Colorful Statement & Stylish Debut appeared first on Megayacht News.
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